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Roundtable Discussion: Go-To Beer Styles

Roundtable Discussion: Go-To Beer Styles
Philip Joyce

This weeks discussion revolves around the go-to beer styles of the writers here at PD. The question was posed as follows: When you walk into a new brewery or bar, what are the types or styles of beer that you will usually gravitate towards? Here are the responses to this weeks Roundtable Discussion.

Nate T: IPA is always a big pull for me. However, I tend to look for the alcohol with the highest ABV percentage. I love boozy beer and this gives me the biggest bang for my buck!

Lindsey K: I tend to agree with Nate, though I’m down to try pretty much anything.

Erin P: IPA for sure. I am also always drawn to Barrel Aged beers. Beer AND Bourbon – why, yes, I think that sounds absolutely splendid!

Drew T: Either IPA or Amber. I only get scared when the beer is fruit-infused or otherwise suspicious.

Erin P: “Otherwise suspicious” – Please elaborate. But +1 on the fruit. (Referencing Drew’s comment above)

Marie D: Newcastle Brown Ale was the first beer I remember making a mental note to myself about, along the lines of “when you don’t know what to order, remember that you like the one with “castle” in the name.” I’ve found that nutty browns are usually a safe bet for my palate.

Drew T: Erin… this is an absurd confession to make on this thread… but I do not trust organic beer. I think it goes back to the episode of “The Simpsons” where Marge buys organic groceries and they all wilt before she gets to the check-out line.

Stacy G: Stella and Sam Adams make up my safety net. If I am in a new area and it’s a good bar, I’ll try whatever local-ish stuff they have. I can always order a glass of wine if it’s awful.

Erin P: Drew, this is a safe place. Feel free to express yourself openly. I hold the same reluctance with organic wine (I tried a bottle once and it tasted like dirt – never again!).

Gabe B: I’ve been telling anyone that will listen that I’m a little bit over this trend dictating that most styles need to be hop-forward. I used to describe myself as a hop head, but enough is enough. So lately, the one word that catches my eye in beer menus is “Brett.” This isn’t always a winning strategy- those beers are tough to make – but I can count on some pleasant sourness, and, for these muggy Boston summer days, that’s good enough for me. As soon as it cools down, I’ll probably start relying on old favorites like Oatmeal Stouts and Brown Ales.

Phil J: Erin, I believe “Tastes like dirt” is a rough translation of the French word Terrior… I guess dirt is a big wine thing… 😀

Nick A: As soon as I see a taplist or bottle menu, I can’t help but scour the pages for sours or barrel-aged beers. Afterward though, I’ll typically seek out hoppy beers, especially if it’s something seasonal. Once the weather cools down I’m always after imperial stouts, barleywines and old ales.

Cory P: Wee Heavy/Scotch Ale, Barleywine, Quadrupel or Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Scott H: Recently, I’ve been gravitating towards sours and saisons when I see them on the tap/bottle list. If I’m out at a restaurant or bar, I will try a local beer. I have a rule that I will not drink beers that are readily available back home when I’m in another town.

Drew T: Oh. Other stupid criterion for choosing a beer when I don’t recognize anything on draft… look at the beer tap handles and choose whatever has the most eye-catching design.

Justin ‘Vic’: I’m with Gabe, so over the hops. I’ll most of the time go with a stout or anything that begins with the phrase, “Belgian Style”

Tristan: I agree, with the sour fans above.  I used to be a go-to hops fan, but recently I’ve been going exploring the lip puckering wilds.  However, for these hot summer months I can’t turn up pilsners and Kolsch-style beers if I see them on tap.

What are your go-to beer styles? Comment below!

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