Pop Culture Week in Review: September 21-27

I managed to come up with a few things to recap that WEREN’T about Breaking Bad. Don’t worry. This was a week in which the LEAST exciting pop culture news was one of pop culture’s biggest awards shows. Funny, isn’t it? Let’s go ahead and get the Emmys out of the way so we can get to the other stuff. It’s the pop culture week in review for the last full week of September!
The Emmys Were So Boring You’ve Already Forgotten About Them
Sunday night’s Emmy Awards were disappointing to a lot of people. Host Neil Patrick Harris decided to forego the usual opening number and, save for some cameos from Jane Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan O’Brien, his jokes and segues kind of fell flat.

Not to mention the indignity of the awards. I think forcing Bryan Cranston to watch Jeff Daniels give an acceptance speech while chewing gum is the definition of “adding insult to injury.” Giving awards to Modern Family and Jim Parsons – AGAIN – seems misguided. Let’s just not talk about it anymore. Except for the part where Tina Fey and Amy Poehler sat together, because it reminds us that the Golden Globes could be enjoyable.
Bono Did a Great Impression of Bill Clinton
Bono has gotten a lot of flak for being more famous for his philanthropy than his actual music, which I personally think is ridiculous. This week, Bono won back a bit of likeability for something he did in the course of philanthropy – while still showing his relatable, humorous side. Speaking this week at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, Bono did a spot-on impression of Bill Clinton – in the President’s presence. See for yourself.
Oh, and then later in the week Bill Clinton did a pretty solid impression of Bono, too. Reluctantly posted, because I can’t stand Piers Morgan
Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake Put Hashtags on Notice
#itneededtobesaid #ifyouspeakwithhashtagsinreallifeitmakesmejudgeyou
This is the LAST EVER Pop Culture Week in Review Where We Can Talk About New Episodes of Breaking Bad
The Breaking Bad finale is this Sunday, September 29. One of the best dramas in history is about to be… just… over. After this week, there will never be another hour of… you know what… I need to just step away for a second… I’ll finish this recap later….
…And Dexter Limped Out
The finale sucked. Spoiler alert, Dexter survived, a la Dark Knight Rises… but the show has been bad for years so no one was surprised.

TV Premieres – Keep PorchDrinking Bookmarked
Yes, there were a lot of fall TV premieres this week. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention them. But the rest of the PorchDrinking culture team deserves to have their say included. So stay tuned to this site… we’re going to offer up our impressions of all the best and worst of this new season.

Drake’s New Album Is His Best-Selling Yet
“Nothing was the Same” dropped (that’s how the kids say it, right?) and did pretty well. Really well, actually. Estimates for the first week of sales have it coming in with about 675,000 copies sold. For perspective, that was the best-selling album of the week. It was also Drake’s best-selling first week ever. And it was the second-best-selling album release behind only Justin Timberlake’s 20/20 album released last March.
Included for fun:
