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Ultimate 6er | Fall Fun

Liz Riggs

As October gets into full swing and the morning temperatures continue to drop, an Ultimate Fall 6er designed specifically for this beautiful season only seems appropriate. Get your mittens and your pumpkins and your s’mores and lets do this.


New Belgium Red Hoptober Ale

New Belgium Red HoptoberYum yum! A lovely little fall treat in the form of an ESB. Doesn’t taste too much like summer (which is good since it isn’t summer!) and has the rough appearance of an IPA when it’s actually an ESB. Drink it down on a canoe or something.

Jackalope Bearwalker Maple Brown

Jackalope BearwalkerThere’s something about that maple flavor that just screams fall, don’t you think? Jackalope’s Maple Brown is one of their staple beers, and it’s one of the first that the owner, Bailey, ever wrote a recipe for. Plus, they use 100% Vermont Maple Syrup in each batch, which is pretty awesome.

Fat Bottom Black Betty

Fat Bottom Black BettyFor some reason, this Black IPA just screams fall to me. Maybe it’s because I drank copious amounts of it last fall after the brewery had opened near the end of the summer, or maybe it’s because it’s got the color of a winter beer with some of the taste of a summer beer. Either way, with an IBU of 56 and an ABV of only 4.4%, this is a great one to swig around the bonfire.

Sweetwater Motorboat

Sweetwater MotorboatYou might see this list really leaning towards southern beers, and that’s because a) I live in the south and b) after a long, hot, humid summer: there’s nothing a southerner loves more than fall. This Sweetwater beer is their version of an ESB, and it’s won the Silver Medal at the GABF a couple of years. So, not too shabby for a fall afternoon.

Sam Adams Octoberfest

Sam Adams OctoberfestI know what you’re thinking: WHAT AN OBVIOUS CHOICE?! And, I don’t typically enjoy almost any Sam Adams beers, but I will throw me down some Octoberfest. It reminds me of smoking hookah and eating cheese in college. This beer is consistent and subtle, and Draft’s description says it best: “Creamy malts impart smooth toffee.” Sure!

Yazoo Sly Rye Porter

Yazoo Sly Rye PorterNormally I’d suggest Yazoo’s rotating IPA called The Hop Project, but it’s probably more apt for summertime. The Sly Rye Porter gets you that darker, almost winter feel to it. Get your chocolate palette ready, and hold off on this one until Thanksgiving.

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