Weyerbacher – Heresy Russian Imperial Stout

ABV 8.00%
Being a sports fan in Philadelphia right now SUCKS. Whether you are a Foles fan or if you hate Vick, there really isn’t much going on down on Broad and Pattison. The Flyers have been awful, before and after their coaching change, losing to Pittsburgh only a handful of hours ago, and it feels like betrayal. Enter Weyerbacher’s Imperial Stout, codenamed “Heresy”. What was supposed to be a pre-game treat now personifies what Philadelphia GM’s have been been putting its fanbase through. Ed Snider and Ruben Amaro Jr. have been saying they want to be competitive and return to our winning ways, but their actions contradict their words with Snider giving Peter Laviolette the duty of scapegoat and RAJ failing to addressing our teams needs, believing we are still the same 2011 contender that won 102 games. Okay back to the beer…
Pouring out completely dark (like the hopes of any sort of postseason this year, sub .500 NFC east for the win), the bourbon barrel presence hits you like the first goal and you are now paying more attention to the action in front of you i.e that dark brew. Coming out of the tap, no head really materialized and the temperature was much cooler than I would have liked, as it dulled the scent and initial profile. Digging around Weyerbacher’s website, it mentions that Heresy started as Old Heathen Imperial Stout, but given the aging process in Kentucky bourbon barrels, it gives off a deeper roasted and malty flavor that is pleasant to the palate.
While I wouldn’t recommend drinking this after some hop heavy IPA’s like Green Flash’s Green Bullet or even Brooklyn’s Cuvee La Boite like I did, It is definitely a tasty brew worth checking out while it is still in season.
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