Sixpoint Brewing – The Crisp

ABV 5.4% IBU’s 42
Although they are coming up on their 10-year anniversary, I did not become very familiar with Sixpoint Brewing until GABF of last year. Since then, it seems I am constantly introduced to more awesome facts about them. Not to mention their great beer. Just last night, I found myself in front of a phenomenal Chicago centric beer list, however I chose Sixpoint’s The Crisp, a combination of a German and Bohemian Pilsner.
In the line up of this Brooklyn based brewery’s excellent core beers, The Crisp is insanely approachable, brewed with the freshest noble hops. Introduced with a bright aroma, this travels through the senses and across the palate with great flavor combining a hint of spice and earthy hops, with a squeeze of lemon. Not literally, I know better than to garnish beer with fruit. So we’ll say a dash of lemon zest. Finishing, as you could have guessed, crisp and refreshing. The German yeast and hops offers a moderate breadiness, similar to a rye; another point of why I may indulge in this beer so much.
Funny story, for a hot minute this fall I was a cocktail server at a rather … well, let’s just say a bar I would never personally hang out in. Either way, they are making an attempt to sell themselves at a craft bar. While being “trained” by one of their supposed veteran workers (she was 22 … you can’t serve until 21, how are you a veteran? … I digress) she promptly instructed me to just listen when she is talking about the beer to guests, “there is a lot to know.” About an hour later when one asked her, “Where is Sixpoint from again?” Little Foot’s response was, “Oh, somewhere in Wisconsin … ” You can imagine my reaction. “Or Brooklyn … ” Same, Same? Not so much. Cheers, kids!
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