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12 Beers of Christmas | Day 4: Saint Arnold Brewing Christmas Ale

12 beers of christmas
Chris Blanchard

If you’re like me, and don’t enjoy every Christmas ale to taste like you’re drinking potpourri this holiday season, this Christmas Ale is for you. This Christmas ale will sing you a siren song with her subtle sweet malt mouth feel and ever so gentle spice and everything nice hop profiles. But be warned, the St. Arnold’s Christmas Ale will coax you into wearing that terrible ugly sweater at the company holiday party and committing every party faux pas in the book that will ruin your future chance at management.

saint arnold christmas ale

What I am trying to say is that the St. Arnold Christmas Ale weighs in at 7% alcohol content (no where to be found on the bottle), but drinks like a Dr. Pepper that will get you drunk. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer drunk.

First brewed back in 1995 this “Old Ale” has been a staple to the winter holiday seasonal craft scene for a while and for good reason.


  1. H

    Yes I agree good

  2. H


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