Victory Brewing Co. – DirtWolf Double IPA

ABV: 8.7%
Now that the Holidays are over and the shopping madness is ending we can all look back at our accomplishments in getting through yet another Holiday season. It is a victory for us all. So now its time put up our feet, close our wallets, and crack open a beer. A great beer to start on is Victory Brewing Co.’s DirtWolf.
DitrWolf is an earthy double IPA that will take you to the serenity of a quiet lake surrounded by a pine forest. DirtWolf features four great American hop varieties that come together to create a perfectly balanced DIPA. The combination of whole flower Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic, and Chinook hops all blend together to produce flavors of pine, resin, grapefruit, and a light sweetness. On the nose you’ll experience refreshing grapefruit and hop aromas. This is not a heavily malty DIPA allowing more room for big hoppy flavors to come out. The body consist of a smooth flavor of hoppy bitterness up front, floral and pine notes in the middle, and a sweet citrusy ending. With an ABV of 8.7%, DirtWolf will not only take you into the wilderness, it will build you a log cabin and fire to keep warm.
If your looking to find your inner wolf than go out and grab a four pack of DirtWolf. You’ll be sure to find yourself entangled in earthy, hoppy vines in no time.
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