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Crux Fermentation Project- Impasse Saison

Crux Fermentation Project- Impasse Saison
Andy Hagemann

Crux Fermentation Project in Bend, OR claims that for this beer they were “at an impasse”—use standard fermentation techniques to have a more controlled beer and greater yield, or use the traditional Belgian style of open fermentation to produce a more unique flavor profile. In an ode to the ages-old Belgian saison style, they threw caution to the wind and went with the latter. And as the consumer, we should be glad they did!

No need to beat around the bush, the Crux Impasse Saison is an incredibly tasty beer. It has everything I expect from a saison, without anything too crazy. It pours a brilliant light golden color and smells of fruity, peppery spice and just the slightest hint of a farmhouse funk. The flavors of the beer complement each other quite nicely with some citrus to balance out the spice. The benefit of the open fermentation is really exhibited by a little tartness to go along with the farmhouse flavor and esters from the yeast. The finish is dry and crisp, ending my sip perfectly. This is truly one of the best saisons I’ve had in a long time.

By going out on a limb, Crux Fermentation Project created a saison that is worthy of the Belgian tradition. This beer is a great example of what happens when a brewery emphasizes the “craft” in craft beer. And this isn’t the only beer that has impressed me from Crux, so I would highly encourage you to seek them out. Cheers!

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