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Revolution Brewing – A Little Crazy

Revolution A Little Crazy
Adam Solarz

ABV: 6.8%

I checked two bags on my flight back to LA from Chicago, and thanks to the absurd amount of beer I was transporting, the baggage weight limit was a real issue. Walking up to the counter I knew it was going to be close, but I was prepared to jettison anything and everything to keep my precious stock of Chicago beer.

The first bag came in at 49lb.  Feeling good.  My next bag was 51. Should be fine right? Two bags that total 100 pounds, same flight, what does it matter if a pair of shoes and a stick of deodorant are in one bag or the other? USE THE TRANSITIVE PROPERTY PEOPLE. Well, apparently Southwest doesn’t allow for basic math. Fine, I awkwardly unloaded and reloaded my bags before going on my way, praying that my carefully packed beers would survive.

They did, and I’m happy to tell you that the cans of Revolution’s A Little Crazy were perfect.  Rev says this Belgian Pale Ale has “pilsner malts and a tri-hop blend of magnum, cascade and citra make this a very drinkable and extremely aromatic brew.” It pours a cloudy copper with nice carbonation.  The beer has a big tropical aroma with yeast. On the first sip, A Little Crazy reminds me of my mom’s fruit salad – grapefruit, orange, and banana, with the Belgian yeast coming through on the finish.

It’s an excellent BPA, and since it comes in easily transportable cans, I suggest BYO to a Super Bowl party. Craft in cans is a great way to avoid the veritable cornucopia of lites so graciously provided by your host without being that guy who brings his own bomber and tulip (somebody should do a post on the etiquette of avoiding bad beer at parties). At 6.8%, be a little careful – you might not want to mouth off Richard Sherman style in front of casual acquaintances.  Instead, I recommend sharing one or two with the cutie who “likes Blue Moon”.

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