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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
Kristen Grace

So are we drinking cheap beer again or not? While American sales might be down, distributors are backing off of the craft beer craze and pushing “cheap beer” ad campaigns further. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. But it’s okay, because we still have Sam Calagione to show us how we’ve been drinking our beers wrong all along anyway.

Obama follows through on Olympic beer bet

If you saw last week’s Growler, then you’ll know that there was more at stake than national pride for the USA vs. Canada hockey game. And even though we didn’t take home the win, we stayed true to our word. ‘MERICA!


9 Beers Americans No Longer Drink

It looks like American beer drinkers are starting to develop a sense of taste.


Cheap Beer Back in Style as Brewers Remember Joe Six-Pack

“Economy Beer” sales may have taken a nose dive when unemployment spiked, but big-name breweries aren’t giving them the boot. Instead, they’re taking a step back from the craft beer trend and refocusing on “the working man’s drink of choice: cheap beer.” So expect a few more Keystone Light “Smooth” ads coming soon.


The classic tulip glass is the only beer glass you need. Here’s why.

Go ahead and geek out over the perfect glass for your beer of choice, but if you don’t have room in your cabinets for all your options, you can’t go wrong with the most versatile glass of all.


Dogfish Head’s Sam Calagione on how to drink a beer

If you’re not having an intimate moment while you drink your beer, you’re doing it wrong.

Cheap Beer Reviewed By A Wine Expert

Have you ever tried a cheap beer and not been able to put the taste you’re experiencing into words? Don’t worry, this wine expert will do it for you.

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