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Roundtable Discussion | March Madness

basketball hoop

For those inclined to the sport of basketball (or basketsball for you New Girl fans), this is arguably the most wonderful time of the year.

So, in the spirit of the season, we asked staffers what their favorite thing about March Madness is.

Phil Joyce

Picking my bracket based on which mascot would win in a duel. And winning.

Justin Vicroy

Watching basketball instead of working, filling out so many brackets, & seeing TChan in his arm sleeve and UK jersey. Tristan is the funnest guy to be around while watching UK & tourney basketball.

Colin Clancy

Picking so many long shots on my bracket that it’s busted after the first round. But knowing that the year that I finally win, I’m going to win big.

Tristan Chan

I love the excitement of everyone watching games while they should be working during that first two days of the tournament. I love the fact that Indiana didn’t make it into the NIT. I love the big upsets, the ones where people drop everything and gather around to see the final seconds tick off as the Cinderellas pile on top of each other celebrating. I love seeing people crumple up their brackets in anger. But I HATE watching that replay of the Laettner shot every year.

Brad Hartsock

Everything! Complaining about seeding and how the bracket is the most unfair EVER, filling out a homer bracket with Kentucky winning it all and a “real” bracket and betting them both, the fact that it’s the only sporting event in the world where teams that 3 days ago would have gotten no recognition are on the same level as perennial powerhouses, watching guys from mid-majors who no one has ever heard of ball out, unbelievable upsets (LEHIGH!!!), hoping to see a historic 16 seed win, copious amounts of trash talk, holding on to hope for your team no matter the circumstances or opponent, the knife in the gut of losing or seeing your rivals do well, and above all else the chance to see your guys cut down the nets while Luther Vandross sings “One Shining Moment”.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Merry March Madness.

Erin Russell

Brad, you have a great idea with the 2 brackets. I’m a sucker every year and always pick the Cats to win, despite the odds. I love March Madness because it’s the only sport I actually care about, so I can go watch games and talk about the tourney while actually knowing what I’m talking about.

Spencer Mapes

Pizza Hut’s promotional March Madness basketball, or the Street Ball. Which is sadly long gone.

Andy Hagemann

Everyone loves a good Cinderella story in March Madness!

Jason Behler

Buzzer beaters. Seeing the faces of coaches I loathe in agony after defeat (Boeheim, Pitino, Roy boy, and that petulant cry baby at Duke). Burning couches in Lexington.

Drew Troller

I’m looking forward to those precious first couple hours of the tournament where I have the false hope that maybe, just maybe my bracket will hold up.

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