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Awesomesauce- I Made A Funny!

Laura Mego

Does anyone else love this movie besides me?  (Sidenote: apparently Michael Bay does, enough to ruin it with a reboot involving Megan Fox as April….ugh.)

TMNT aside, take a peek at a few of the folks who have been ticking my funnybone lately:

1. Above Average

Comedy troupe/YouTube channel of up and coming funny folks/SNL alums.  Check out their three part series on “The Idiot’s Guide to Smart People” and the always-hilarious 7 Minutes in Heaven (the host takes a famous person into his closet to interview them for 7 minutes, and then kisses them…giggling ensues.)

2. @Midnight

This is a new game show hosted by the Nerdist himself, Chris Hardwick.  Three guest comedians compete to make jokes about the day’s social media news for arbitrary points.  If you’re the kind of person who likes to read the online comments for the snark (hint: this girl!), or the amazon reviews for the pure internet gold (hint: everybody), check this show out.  It plays at Midnight (duh!) on Comedy Central after the Colbert Report.

3. Harvard Sailing Team

A sketch comedy group a la SNL or Second City.  Boys Will Be Girls is the all time classic, but their other work, including the ladies’ rebuttal is also worth a look.


BONUS: The difference between cats and dogs...

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