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You don’t want to ‘Passover’ this Brisket | Cooking with Beer

Beer Brisket

Happy Passover, Jews and non-Jews! If you’re a shiksa like me, you’ll probably be forced to celebrate one way or another. What is a shiksa, you ask? Oh, just a non-Jewish girl trying to temp a Jewish boy into marriage (I think it might be working). Whoever you are, its always fun to celebrate Passover and all Jewish holidays because they usually require a constant supply of food. And whenever food is involved, there’s always a way to incorporate beer. Along with the latkes and kuge, I decided to slow cook a brisket in beer for 6 hours. The beer of choice was Trippel by New Belgium. This ale is brewed with coriander, which makes it the perfect herbal addition to the dish. It’s also the perfect addition to your belly. Since this recipe requires three bottles, you’ll be forced to buy a six-pack.  I won’t force you to drink the rest but I highly recommend it.

The end product is sweet with a bit of a kick. Slice the meat against the grain and top with a bit of the juice from the pot. Good luck cooking and drinking. Chag Same’ach! (Happy Holiday!)



3.5-4 lbs brisket

3 bottles of Trippel by New Belgium (buy a sixer and you’ll have a few to drink)

25 dried apricots

4 oz dried cranberries

3 pasilla peppers

1 jalapeño

4 cloves of garlic

2 medium yellow onions

¼ tsp nutmeg

1 tsp salt

1 tsp fresh ground black pepper


In a large pan on medium to high heat, add a bit of olive oil and sear both sides of the brisket until dark brown (about 4 minutes on each side). Don’t touch the brisket while it is searing, until you’re going to flip it over. I know it’s tempting but just. don’t. do it.  If you keep lifting it up, it won’t get a beautiful, caramelized sear. When the meat is done set it aside and get to work on the veggies. Quarter the onions and de-vein/de-seed the peppers and cut them into large chunks. To the slow cooker pot, add half of the apricots, cranberries, peppers, onions, and one bottle of beer. Plop the meat in there and shake the nutmeg, salt, and pepper on top. Then add the rest of the ingredients and fill with beer. If three bottles is just too much, drink the rest. Simmer in the slow cooker for 6 hours on high or 10 hours on low. While you are waiting for the brisket, sit back, relax and enjoy a delicious craft beer.

Beer Brisket

passover brisket

Before … and after!



passover brisketSlow Cooker Beer Brisket

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  1. GoldaLeah

    Beer isn’t kosher for Passover, though…

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