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Roundtable Discussion | Mexican Beer for Cinco de Mayo

cinco de mayo
Amber Dunlap

Cinco de Mayo is this Monday, so I asked our PorchDrinking team what their favorite Mexican beers are. The conversation quickly turned from the usual suspects (i.e. Tecate, Modelo, Corona, etc.) to some unexpected and definitely fiesta-worthy craft beers.

Colin Clancy

I don’t always drink Mexican beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.

Erin Petrey


Scott Hoffman

In order of awesomeness:

Dos Equis


Corona Light

Marie DeAeth

I like to think of Tecate as the Mexican High Life, so yeah definitely Tecate.

Justin Vicroy

Tecate is my fave, but I’ll prolly be imbibing copious amounts of Tequila.

Brady Akers

Does Bud Lite Lime or straw-ber-rita count? Olé!

Drew Troller


get the hell out

Brad Hartsock

Modelo Especial is the perfect thing to stay hydrated in between tequila shots.

Justin Vicroy

Drew Troller FTW!!!!

Making Micheladas w/ Tecate has helped many of my hangovers go away or be put off until I could deal with them…

Nate Tapp


Brady Akers

While it isn’t a Mexican beer, Twisted Pine’s Billy’s Chilies Beer is excellent with some Mexican food.

Chris Day

I drink Negra Modelo for pleasure and Pacifico for hydration.

Katharine Clark

There’s a special place in my heart for Coronas with lime, specifically Coronitas. We spent a summer in San Francisco building my best girlfriend’s tolerance with those little guys. I think of them fondly as beer training wheels. 🙂

Matthew Lunger

Alright, I’ll be the crazy oddball. But I really enjoy Bohemia. It’s a really good classic Czech style pilsner and no one accidentally puts a lime wedge in the bottle stem.

Michelle Andriano

Hilarious! All of these answers make me so happy.

While I’d like to say Tequila, in my experience, too much tequila for me is like feeding a Gremlin after midnight … So let’s play it safe and go with Tecate! Cheers amigos!!!

Cory Pelc

Luminaria from Del Norte Brewing Company is a Traditional German-Style Bock. A winter tradition in Mexico. They brew and ferment Luminaria in the summer and lager it throughout the autumn. It’s smooth and rich with a malty backbone but you can drink a handful of these. Sadly, Del Norte Brewing Company is no more.

So, I guess I will choose Mexican Logger from Ska?!?

mexican logger post-can

Michelle Andriano

Ah!!! SKA! How did I not think of that?!!

Tristan Chan

After scrolling through Facebook this morn, I think we may have a new winner:

lakewood mole

Lakewood Brewing’s Mole Temptress. Lakewood out of Dallas, TX makes a phenomenal Imperial Milk Stout in their Temptress but toss in chilies cocoa nibs and cinnamon and I think you may have a winner. Its tragic this is only available on draft, but area Texans should absolutely take advantage.

Erin Petrey

For something that I am sure is delicious, what an absolutely disgusting name.

Brady Akers

That just reminded me of Copper Kettle’s Mexican Chocolate Stout. So Good!!

Adam Solarz

Westbrook’s Mexican Cake out of South Carolina is by far my favorite “Mexican” beer

westbrook mexican cake

Also, Mikkeller’s Mexas Ranger is like a liquid beer taco… and I mean that in the best possible way

Tristan Chan

Copper Kettle Mexican Chocolate Stout

Oh yes, Copper Kettle’s Mexican Chocolate Stout is one of my personal favorites as well! Rich chocolate-y taste but also those habanero peppers melded with the cinnamon pack that perfect spicy punch!

Neil Stender

Pacifico with a blob of lime makes me WAY happier than it probably should. Like the quantum mechanics equation 1+1=2, Pacifico plus lime equals Hermosa Beach, CA and no responsibilities.

Jason Behler

This is the second time I have responded to a roundtable with this answer, but…Tequiza.

Michelle Andriano

Re: Adam’s Mikkeller’s Mexas Ranger…. I don’t know how I feel about a liquid taco. All sorts of conflict in my head! ha

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