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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 38 | Josh Reddick Plate Music

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 38 | Josh Reddick Plate Music
Alex Cadice

Hello, everybody, and welcome to the 38th edition of Welcome to the Interneat! Thirty-eight is certainly the new twenty-eight, which means we should talk about sports and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

5. Speaking of sports, Josh Reddick, you dirty, dirty dawg.

And with that Josh Reddick Plate Music I now have another reason to watch this video again…

4. As for PSH, did you know his Bacon Number is two?! Who else shares that number? Nic ‘Freakin’” Cage. A great fact can only be followed by a great video.

3. If you thought Nic Cage would be your only throwback this week, you would be wrong! Mixing the old with the new, @DougEpisodes is beautiful account.

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To follow the most brilliant and Funny new account on Twitter, click here.

2. Plus, in my constant effort to keep you up-to-date on all the latest internet memes, please let me introduce my two current favorites:

Sad Batman

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Feminist Frank

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1. Finally, one of the few things I like better than an Internet meme is Will Forte, and he has been killing it this week.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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