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Rivertowne Brewing | Hala Kahiki Pineapple Beer

Rivertowne Brewing | Hala Kahiki Pineapple Beer

Rivertowne Brewing Hala Kahiki Pineapple Beer – 4.8%ABV

Picture this…It is a b-e-a-u-tiful sunny day, let’s say 80 degrees or so, and you are floating down a river on the device of your choice, maybe its a canoe, kayak, tube, or a raft. What would be one thing that you could reach for to make the journey a little more adventurous and relaxing – well a beer of course. The question then becomes what beer would you go for-  Hala Kahiki? Every summer I like to partake in a few outings of cabrewing. It simply involves food, friends, relaxation, drinks, and a little fun in the sun. If you have never had the chance to do this, be sure to place it on a bucket list for the summer. One last bit of advice, be sure remember to bring sunscreen, water, a DD never hurts, and while jumping from a 40 ft bridge may seem like a good idea by the end of the trip…play it safe and watch some other idiot you don’t know do it instead.

During the summer, I like to find a beer that is light, refreshing, low ABV, and something unique. 21st Amendment -Hell or High Watermelon, Sol, Rivertown – VILLE DE RIVERE GEUZE, and Founders – All Day IPA are just a few of my go to summer brews. Here at, we had a discussion about some of our favorite fruit beers – take a look if you need some ideas for the summer. I urge you to break away from your everyday beer and try something new this year – you never know when you’ll find your new favorite beer, or an addition to your go-to brews.

Hala Kahiki was my first beer from Rivertowne Brewing, and it won’t be my last. This is one of those beers that you can crack open and drink it straight from the can – which is perfect for cabrewing (glass is not allowed). It smells like a sweet pineapple with a hint of a homemade yeasty biscuit on the side. I was concerned that this was going to be a bit too sweet for my taste, but it ended up being just right. Pretty much pineapple juice with some malts and yeast tossed in the mix to mellow it out a touch. Dare I say a near perfect concoction for a hot summer day – I think so! Now I realize, that not everyone is a fan of fruit beer, but it is something worth trying at least once.

Well fellow PDers, I’m off to enjoy yet another wonderful summer day, so I hope you have the chance to do the same. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy each and every day to the fullest.

¡salud! – Cheers

PD kayak shawdow

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