Madtree Brewing | Sol Drifter

4.3% ABV
It’s summertime! Sunshine, pool parties, cabrewing, and most importantly, delicious summer beer! Madtree’s Sol Drifter will take all of the great things of summer and put them in your mouth. A sessionable blonde ale brewed with strawberries that is a refreshing tasty beer that everyone can enjoy, and it comes in a pink can, so ladies, you got that going for you.
There are a ton of great fruit infused beers out there right now, as you might of read from the previous Roundtable Discussion. Personally, I am a sucker for strawberries. Strawberry daiquiris, strawberry ice cream, and what would the world be without the pink strawberry Starburst?! Well I wouldn’t know, because I would probably have moved to the moon at that point. So as one could imagine, whenever local Cincinnati brewery, Madtree, made a blonde ale brewed with strawberries, I got a little excited. It is a great beer with an even better name, Sol Drifter. For those of us just drifting along through life, enjoying the ride, not letting a bump or two throw off our mojo. The journey of life is great, and it should be complimented with great beer. That is Sol Drifter. Capturing the essence of summer and the carefree lifestyle we all indulge in during the season.
Sol Drifter pours a golden blonde color with a frosty head. The nose smells of fresh cut flowers, light citrus, and yes, strawberries. The first sip is immediately satisfying with flavors of slightly bitter hops, rose hips, and you guessed it, strawberries! It has a very refreshing mouthfeel with consistent flavor and carbonation. The tart finish will leave you wanting more as you easily throw back a few, and with an ABV of 4.3%, this blonde ale is made for drinking sessions. Whether you’re on a porch, river, or playing one of those ridiculously long games of corn-hole that just wont seem to end, this beer will be your best friend throughout the summer.
Lets be real though, its summer, the sun is shining, and you’re staring your computer screen. All you need now is a beer and sunscreen. “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” – David Bowie. Carry on, drink on, and drift on all you crazy porch drinkers.
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