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Indigo Imp Brewery | Summer Pale Ale

Indigo Imp Brewery | Summer Pale Ale
Kevin Risner

ABV: 6.4%

Summer will be here in less than two weeks. My palate begins to water (as do most of my pores) when I think about the more humid, sunnier climes that have begun to take shape as May has ended and June has begun. As I dust off the porch seats and steel myself for the incessant weed trimmers humming next door and kids screaming across the street, I anticipate with great relish the moments sitting down with some friends and cooling off with a nice, bright, somewhat hoppy ale. 

Indigo Imp, based in Cleveland, is best known for their ales and the manner by which they brew them. I have enjoyed the ales I sampled in the past; so when I saw their summer release at the store, I did not blink twice at snatching a little bit of Summer and taking it home.

The beer pours out quite cloudy, due to the open fermentation process Indigo Imp boasts about on their website (and through word of mouth); such beermaking reminds me of Belgian Trappist ales and their overall awesomeness. If you glance into the bottom of a Summer Pale Ale bottle after pouring, you will see some of the yeast there at the bottom, still doing what it does best!

The head lingers post-pour (Be sure to pour it slowly!), and the bouquet is strong and fruity. That’s not a bad thing. Strong aromas of apricot and orange, and a unique grassiness, linger. The ale turns out sweeter than I expect in a pale ale. Still, there is a faint sourness as I reach the bottom of the glass. In this instance, I used a pint glass, but I feel that this type of ale would work best in a snifter or a similar receptacle. If you are looking for a no-nonsense, uncomplicated summer beer, this pale ale doesn’t disappoint. And I doubt that the type of glass matters in the end, at least in this particular situation.

Indigo Imp also boasts other, more obtainable beers, at least if you’re nearer to northeast Ohio. The Summer is merely seasonal. The Jester and Blonde Bombshell, both delightful and even better than Summer, are available year-round. Each batch will vary because of the fermentation process and the amount of yeast that the brewer puts in; beer has a mind of its own, and like any living thing can be somewhat temperamental.

Unfortunately, distribution is scant. If you had never considered coming up to Cleveland (or elsewhere in Ohio) for the summer, I’d recommend a visit and to the brewery or going to the local supermarkets to nab a six-pack. They also have markets in the UK! Talk about selective.

Check out their website for more information about the brewery and their brewing processes. And see if you can get to Ohio somehow to enjoy a more local and unique selection of ales.

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