Cooking with Beer | Stone Cold IPA Pickles

When was the last time you went to a farmer’s market or a flea market and didn’t see a jar of IPA Pickles selling for some ridiculous price? Along with the boom in craft beer production has also come a boom in craft beer related items – one of them being beer pickles. Instead of giving in and paying top dollar for one of these jars, I decided to go off and make pickles on my own.
Here’s my thing about me and pickles: I’m very particular about how they taste. I like a really dilly pickle that’s crunchy and more tart than sweet. The pickle has to have a good zing or else I ain’t bitin’ in. Therefore, I created my ideal pickle using an IPA that I (and most others) think is top notch: Enjoy By IPA by Stone Brewing Company. My plan was to make the pickles and let them sit for at least a week to really soak in all the flavors. But, since I’m horribly impatient, I lasted two days. When I took that first crunchy bite, I was pleasantly surprised at how amazing the pickles had already become and how much hop-tastic flavor was coming through. My mind started whirling with all the possibilities of their use on Drink and Spoon – fried pickles, pickle relish, topping burgers, etc. So, if you’re into pickles and you’re into hops, try out the Stone Cold IPA Pickles recipe and let me know what you think. I think you’ll be saying ‘F you’ to all other pickles very soon.

Serving Size: 2 pint-sized mason jars full of pickles
1 1/4 cup Stone Enjoy By IPA
3/4 cup cider vinegar
2 tbsp of kosher flaked salt
1 ½ English cucumbers
3-5 garlic cloves, depending on size
4 stems of dill (usually comes in .66 oz packages)
Optional: red pepper flakes or extra garlic
There’s a big debate over what is better – spears or slices. I prefer whole pickles but that won’t fit in these little mason jars. Therefore, slice the cucumbers however you like them. First, cut the ends off and cut them in half width-wise. This should be the perfect size for the jar. Then, either cut them up into slices or for spears, cut the half of cucumber in half again, lengthwise, and then lengthwise again until spears are made.
In a bowl or large measuring cup, mix 1 1/2 cups of Enjoy By IPA, 3/4 cup of cider vinegar, and 2 tbsp of salt until all of the salt is dissolved.
When you pour in the salt, the liquid is going to fizz up. Don’t be alarmed but make sure your bowl or cup has high enough sides to accommodate.
Before stuffing the mason jars, boil them so they become sterile. Then, take the garlic cloves and using a knife, smash them.
Throw one or two in each mason jar along with one to two stems of dill – depending on how much dill you can handle (obviously I opted for two).
After the ‘taste enhancers’ are in, fill the jar with as many cucumber spears or slices as you can and then pour the pickling juice on top.
You can even add some extra stuff like red pepper flakes.
When complete, they’re fine to eat right away but I’d wait at least a few days to let them marinate. These Stone Cold IPA Pickles should last a few weeks in the refrigerator so there’s no rush to chow them down. If two jars is a little too much pickle is your life, the Stone Cold IPA Pickles make great gifts!
Once you eat them, you’ll be like Stone Cold Steve Austin and be flippin the bird to all other pickles!
These sound awesome! I want to feature them on a post I’m working on, do you mind if I use one of the pictures you took as long as I credit you back for course?
So the brine doesnt need to be heated? It goes into the jar with the alochol in it (my kind of pickles!)
Also, do you let them sit at room temp for up to a week then fridge or fridge right away? -
Has anybody tried adding some leaf hops to the jars as well?
I’ve made this recipe a bunch of times (with Uinta Hop Nosh, but still). Thank you… It’s awesome.