People’s Brewing Company | Mound Builder IPA

ABV: 6.50%
IBU: 88
I am proud of my home town. Being from a small, tight-knit community, in rural Indiana, it is difficult to share the greatness with people in Denver. For such a small place, I am very impressed with the local breweries. Both Lafayette Brewing Company and People’s Brewing Company make quality and tasty beer, but I was never able to bring it back to Denver with me … until now.
When I was looking for beer to bring back with me, I was pleasantly surprised to find 6 packs of humble silver cans with stickers on them for People’s Brewing Company. People’s Mound Builder is a very unique IPA in so many ways and I was extremely excited because now I was finally able to share it with my friends in Denver.
Mound Builder pours a cloudy rich amber color, darker than most IPAs. The aroma has many different and distinct notes: from caramel to biscuits to piney hops and even hints of citrus. Even with all that complexity, the smell is very crisp and refreshing.
With the biscuity smell, it is no surprise that the initial taste on my first sip was very sweet and malty before flowing into the bitter, hoppy characteristics of the IPA. The citrus mixes well with the piney hop flavor, making Mound Builder a perfect beer for a hot summer day, preferably with a friend or two.
The amount of malt flavor in this beer makes it difficult to label Mound Builder as an IPA, but there isn’t a single beer category that it fits in, which to me is part of the appeal. Overall, Mound Builder is a great beer experience.
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