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Troegs Brewery | LaGrave Triple Golden Ale

troegs lagrave golden triple ale

After a long hard day in the sun (or dreaming of the sun for that matter), few things are as refreshing as a delicious golden ale that is big in content…at least in this writer’s opinion. While that is not to say I haven’t enjoyed anything I have drank this past week, it has been a much slower week due to adherence to the cautionary recovery period that follows a bender of a weekend of home-brewed wedding libations (more of that deliciousness will have to come out in a later post to truly do it justice).

Being that Pennsylvania is unfortunately encumbered with many esoteric and outdated rules regarding the sales of alcohol, it is most certainly not a 6 pack favorable state. This has the tendency of forcing a person who likes to dabble in the craft game to go all in on new products. Fortunately, with the likes of Whole Foods and Wegmans coming onto the scene. variety and choice have changed the landscape by which beer drinkers paint their palate, which brings me right into today’s showcase.

Troegs, a rising star in the Keystone State which has dazzled the crowds at GABF and along the East Coast, found it’s way once again into my fridge. Move over Troegenator. Sorry Sunshine Pils. Hello LaGrave. Since writing my last post about a pilsner, this writer has made a concerted effort to get back to his earlier days of beer drinking where stouts and IPAs were still a mystery. Enough intro, time to jump into the beer itself.

Pouring out gold as the moniker implies, you probably don’t notice the strong levels of carbonation. However, as you can tell by my picture, the head is very evident, as the yeast is finally able to exit thus aiding the carbonation and creating that deliciously sticky lacing. As is most likely the case when pouring triples, tulips or chalices are recommended; I had to go digging to find mine.

What sets this beer apart from it’s counterparts, however, is the easy drink-ability. I rarely am able to go more than one round with a triple because my throat seems to react to the extra malt; that is not the case here. With the hints of apple and other fruits in the mix, the bitterness is balanced with the malt and leaves a nice pleasant aftertaste. It definitely does not taste or feel like an 8% and leaves your palate perfectly able to try out other brews, although watch out for that ABV.

Since this beer is bottle conditioned, I am excited to revisit the rest of my 4 pack and compare it against today’s experience. If you a fan of Troegs and it is available to you in your area (it is served year round), I recommend grabbing a bottle or two and aging it for a different experience than mine. Enjoy

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