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The Commons Brewery | Urban Farmhouse Ale

The Commons Brewery | Urban Farmhouse Ale
Andy Hagemann

The Commons Brewery is by far my favorite discovery since moving to Portland 2 months ago. While other new breweries have satisfied my palate in my search for delicious beers of the Pacific Northwest, only The Commons has impressed me with ALL of their offerings I have tried. They specialize in Belgian beers, farmhouse ales, and sours utilizing yeasts originating from Europe. The most attractive and unique aspect of their beers is that they are all brewed to be sessionable, “to enable or enhance social interaction.” In this day in age when most breweries are going with the “bigger is better” mantra, the mentality of a place like The Commons Brewery is quite refreshing.

The Commons Brewery Urban Farmhouse Ale is exactly as advertised: a simple, refreshing farmhouse ale. It pours a clear, light gold with generous carbonation and has a great Brettanomyces aroma. Pretty standard. But Frank from Old School says it best when he exclaims, “Once it hits your lips, it’s so good!” There is just something about the first sip that grabs me. A crisp dryness from the carbonation blended with the balance of slightly sweet and farmhouse funk just makes me dig this beer. I’ve tried a few batches of homebrewed farmhouse ale going for that perfect blend, but this just nails it. No wonder it won a Bronze Medal at the 2012 World Beer Cup. And at 5.3% ABV, I’m glad it comes in a 750 mL bottle!


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