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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Beer Fest Survival

This week’s beer news is all about new brews, breweries, and things to make drinking beer just a little more fun. Avery is bringing us an extremely high ABV beer, Samuel Adams collaborated with Brewery Rickoli, and Green Flash shows Europe what hops are all about. Read about it all and more in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.


Green Flash Hits Europe

Green Flash West Coast IPA
Photo Credit:

Straight from the press release: “Green Flash is the first American Craft brewery to brew, bottle and distribute fresh IPA in Europe via a production partnership with legendary old-world Belgian brewery, St-Feuillien.”

Although their European breakthrough may have been overshadowed a bit by Stone’s new brewery news – Green Flash will still be making history in the craft beer world. Chuck Silva, the brewmaster of Green Flash, has been making trips across the pond to teach the St-Feuillien Brewmaster, Alexis Briol, how to brew West Coast IPA perfectly. Since the IPA will be brewed in Europe, it will be fresh and hoplicious for all the European beer drinkers. This incredibly hoppy style will be somewhat new to a lot of folks over there and I’m excited to see how it will be welcomed. Congratulations Green Flash on making history!

Oats McGoats: Collaboration from Samuel Adams and Brewery Rickoli

Brewery Rickoli
Photo Credit:

It is not quite safe for all you gluten-free people but it’s close. The gluten-reduced American stout brewed with flaked rye, oat malt and golden naked oats, named Oats McGoats, will be served in restaurants and bars around Denver and in the tap rooms of Samuel Adams and Brewery RickoliRick Abitbol of Brewery Rickoli was lucky enough to be the chosen one for the Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream Brewing and Business Experienceship. Through this program, he will receive brewing and business coaching – and bring us Oats McGoats!

Against the Grain is Expanding with a New Brewery

Against the Grain brewery
Photo Credit:

The Kentucky brewery, Against the Grain, plans on building a new space in Louisville that will increase their production by over 400% – which is great news because they make great brews. Not only will they be pumping out more of our favorites like Citra Wet Ass Down, they will also be expanding their barrel aging program. Looks like some great things are going to come out of this expansion.

3rd Most Funded Kickstarter of All-time: Coolest Cooler

No words necessary. The video sums it up.

The (Non-Obvious) Guide to Surviving a Beer Festival

With GABF coming up, I think this guide is pretty helpful, especially for festival newbies. Tips like ‘don’t hit up regular breweries’ are a must if you don’t want to get wasted before you even find the good stuff. I also like ‘don’t wear a pretzel necklace’…it’s just not cool.

Beer Fest Survival
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Avery Brewing Releases 5 Monks Bourbon Barrel-Aged Beer 

avery 5 monks release - dbb - 07-23-14

Basically, Avery is trying to get you drunk. No. 22 of the Barrel Aged Series, a bourbon barrel-aged Belgian-style quintupel ale, rings in at 19.4% ABV. The new beer, 5 Monks, will officially become the highest gravity beer in Avery’s history and will also be the first quintupel ale (which is something Avery just made up). I’m excited to try 5 Monks but also very scared. Who’s going to try it with me and more importantly, who’s going to drive?

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