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Deschutes Brewery | Not the Stoic

Not the Stoic
Katelyn Pelak

ABV: 12.1%

IBU: 15

I first encountered Not the Stoic at a food and beer pairing hosted by Deschutes Brewery’s executive chef during Seattle Beer Week. I must admit that I immediately swooned over this perfectly balanced Belgian quad that was served with the first of five courses, a trio of local cheeses. However, its stoicism (if you will) was proven when, even after weaving our way through three hours of gastronomic and fermented bliss, Not the Stoic endured as the brew that left its boozy mark on me and my date for the tasting, my dad. We each bought a bottle and, likely due to our palpable excitement, were interviewed shortly thereafter for a Deschutes promotional video. Needless to say, we left the event giddy with delight, each clutching a 650ml bottle of satisfaction.

Not the Stoic is a Belgian-style quad aged in rye whiskey and pinot noir barrels, with a light, almost fruity aroma that disguises the rather alcoholic drink (12.1% ABV) you’re about to consume. It pours a deep, reddish amber and its small, creamy head leaves a lacy footprint. The beer’s label promises “stirring depth and complexity” and it exceeds this bold oath with every sip. Flavors of plum, molasses, fig, cherry, and baking spice are followed by a slightly acidic, port-like finish, reminiscent of a subtle pinot noir. The beer presents a sweet, sticky mouthfeel that is full but not overpowering.

One look at the wax-dipped bottle and you will understand that this is not the beer that you’ll bring to your coworker’s roommate’s sister’s barbecue tomorrow night. This is the beer that you’ll save for your best friend’s visit from out of town or, in my case, the beer with which you’ll travel around the world to Australia in order to share it with your lager-loving friends there.


  1. I read this review and am driving to go buy some Not the Stoic tonight. It sounds delicious! If the reviewer was right… I’ll be sure to watch-out for the next recommendation.

    Yay for Seattle beers!

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