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Pop Culture Week In Review | There Are No New Ideas Edition

Pop Culture Week In Review | There Are No New Ideas Edition
  • On August 1, 2014

The pop culture world has lost all sense of creativity, there are no new ideas. Reboots, movies based on books, sequels, it’s all just a little too much!

The 50 Shades of Grey trailer was released this week:

But I like you guys, so I won’t make you watch it.  Instead, let’s watch a funny lady talk about it!  I don’t know why her hair is like that.

Mockingjay also released a trailer!

Comic-con happened.

Lament about how it’s not about comics but about TV and tent-pole movies. Thing that actor said that was made into a headline. Thing that actress said that was made into a headline. The fact there was a panel where no one managed to reveal anything. Superheros. Costumes. Entertainment Weekly.

Guardians of the Galaxy already has a green-lit sequel

You may be thinking, “oh shit- did I miss the opening weekend of Guardians of the Galaxy? Did I NOT take the first possible opportunity to see two hours of Chris Pratt’s jaw line?” Rest easy, friends. The film opens today but who really gives a shit how a film does before they go ahead and make another and give it a release date in three years? Not Marvel! This is Marvel:









That’s a really odd tie in to our next topic

Apparently a key part of the whole NBC does musicals thing is very confusing casting
Forget about Carrie Underwood as Maria Von Trapp. And Christopher Walken as Captain Hook. NBC has officially cast Allison Williams as Peter Pan.


So we can now all still look forward to not watching NBC’s Peter Pan.  The silver lining of Williams’ casting was her father, NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams got to report the story.


  1. Niel Stender

    That Sound of Music GIF should win some kind of award.

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