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Festival Recap | Sesh Fest 2014

Chris Day

By this point in the summer, it seems like there are at least a couple beer festivals happening every weekend in or around Denver. Sure, they’re great and we all love them, but even the thirstiest craft beer drinker can feel a bit fatigued after one too many afternoons spent drinking Belgian Strong Ales, double IPAs, and Russian Imperial Stouts. Plus, they’re usually a bit pricey, so good luck convincing your friends who aren’t quite so beer-obsessed to come with you. Sometimes you just want something a little lighter and more refreshing. Thankfully, Imbibe and the Colorado Brewers Guild rewarded Denver with Sesh Fest 2014, an event dedicated to session beers and the perfect antidote to excessive, expensive beer festivals.

 sesh_fest_balloonUpon arrival, attendees were greeted with cold cans of Rudie, the brand new session IPA from Ska Brewing and 16 oz can-shaped tasting glasses. Rudie is loaded to the brim with spectacular and fruity hop flavor, so that can barely lasted me through the walk to the first beer tent.sesh_fest_crowdEncouraged by the excellent weather, convenient location, and more than two dozen breweries pouring unlimited samples for less than $30, a thirsty horde descended on Sculpture Park. Despite the crowd, lines moved quickly and it was easy to drift from tent to tent while chatting with friends. Pro tip: never enter a beer line with an empty glass!

sesh_fest_yakOne of the best things about Sesh Fest was the fact that you could freely sample whatever piqued your interest without worrying about getting too *ahem* weary as the afternoon wore on. Under the murderous Colorado sun, Prehistoric Dog, TRVE Brewing Company’s fantastic Gose, was my constant companion.sesh_fest_butcherknifeNewcomers Butcherknife Brewing Company brought Blonde X and The Bridge, a Belgian specialty ale I affectionately dubbed “light raisin juice.”

sesh_fest_s26Station 26 Brewing Co. poured another one of my favorites, a session IPA brewed just for the event. sesh_fest_postPost Brewing Co’s Ol’ Zippy was another pleasant surprise. I’d imagine this light pale pairs well with their fried chicken.sesh_fest_sanitasSesh Fest offered breweries a unique opportunity to showcase their skill through lower-alcohol brews that still pack the flavor craft drinkers demand, and at an inclusive price point that encouraged beer aficionados of all stripes to attend. This was a unique and enjoyable festival that I can’t praise enough. I sincerely hope it returns next year.sesh_fest_cannonball

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