Odell Brewing Company | Jaunt

7.6% ABV
I’m always excited to taste new entries in Odell Brewing Company‘s cellar series, a line of unique beers conceived on their pilot system. Over the years, this program has yielded delicious results such as Friek, Fernet-aged Porter, and Treeshaker. Jaunt is a recent addition to the family, a pale ale aged on oak staves and blended with Riesling grape juice sourced from Colorado’s western slopes. When I saw a bottle on the shelf in a local shop, I knew I had to have it.
Jaunt pours a hazy golden yellow topped with a fluffy white head that fades slowly. The aroma carries pale malt and yeast reminiscent of a tripel, but the grapes are also present with perhaps a hint of honeyed pineapple in the background. A sip reveals sweet, clean malt followed by the grapes and mild spiciness fading to vanilla. The mouthfeel is creamy and the carbonation is tight, leaving a clean, dry finish.
To be honest, when I saw grapes and oak on the label, I was a little worried this beer might be too sweet for my taste. Thankfully, my fears were unjustified. It drinks like a mildy oaked white wine and golden ale deftly blended together. Jaunt is available on draft and in 750ml bottles. Odell suggests drinking it fresh and cool, and I can’t disagree. It’s light enough to enjoy on a warm patio, but should be equally well suited for cool fall evening.
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