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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 51 #IceBucketChallenge

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 51 #IceBucketChallenge
Alex Cadice

Hello. Hi. Howdy. I hope you are doing well. We’ve got a month of summer left. So, let’s get things going so we have more time to enjoy the weather outside.

5. Some people are born to dance, and some aren’t. Steve Spurrier… is born to dance!

4. Best hashtags to describe Stevie’s dancing? #Hawt #Blessed So many options, but maybe we should avoid hashtags…

3. Just adding to the list of things that make me super jealous of Jimmy Fallon…

Golden Eye… top three games of all-time? (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is No. 1. Fact.)

2. James Bond has killed a lot of people, but one person who has dropped a few more: Quentin Tarantino.

1. I couldn’t decide which video to make No. 1. So, I’m combining them.

The got-your-ear-bit never gets old.

This guy could probably use a talk up from David Belisle. I’m not huge on the Little League World Series, but this was awesome.

Side Note: If you are looking for the #IceBucketChallenge bar, Dave Grohl set it.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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