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Roundtable Discussion | Relocating for the Beer

Relocating for the beer
Amber Dunlap

As extreme beer enthusiasts, our PorchDrinking team knows their beer and they also know where to find it and be completely content for the rest of their lives. In this week’s Roundtable Discussion, I asked the team where they would relocate if their only criteria was excellent beer. Many are already living in their beer heaven. Others knew exactly where they’d rather be if beer’s the sole decider.

If you find yourself getting the itch to try on a new hometown, you may want to take note of their answers.

Drew Troller

Checking in as a current LA resident. I’d be in Denver in a heartbeat.

Brady Akers

You can’t get much better than Denver, my current city, but if I had to move, it would easily be to Portland. There are so many options for beer and non-beer activities. With so many great breweries AND Voodoo Donuts in both cities, it would be very easy to acclimate.

Justin Vicroy

Brussels, Belgium All those Belgian & trappiste ales.

Spencer Mapes

As a current Cincinnatian, I would have to choose Denver…. I mean, if I HAD to relocate.

Cleo Tobbi

This is a tough one! As an LA resident, I would have to go with Portland. I’m too close to choose San Diego but the wise would consider it.

Scott Hoffman

It’d have to be somewhere in Belgium. If I were limited to the US, it’d be Portland.

Jess Baker

Torn between Denver & Asheville.

Niel Stender

San Diego. Great beer, great surf.

Matthew Lunger

Although I absolutely love everything that Denver has to offer… It would be really tough to pass up moving to either Copenhagen or Brussels.

Christopher Day

If forced to leave Denver, Portland would be at the top of my list. I’d move somewhere inside the triangle formed by Hair of the Dog, Upright, and Cascade.

Matthew Lunger

Although I would be very tempted to go to Greensboro, VT or Decorah, IA…

Andrew Johnson

San Diego. Awesome beer

Joshua Kan

I would go back to Berlin. Where the beer flows like water and no one looks at you weird for drinking a beer on an afternoon train ride. Or at 7 in the morning while reading a newspaper.

Erin Russell

Considering I’ve been on quite a Belgian kick lately, it would have to be Brussels. I would leave DC in a heartbeat to go work for the EU or NATO. And to drink all of the delicious beers.

Cory Pelc

I am privileged to live in Denver. But Portland would be most excellent. The proximity of the copious amounts of quality craft beer with breweries and bottle shoppes would have me relocating in a heartbeat.

Colin Clancy

Munich. I’m ready for some singing, dancing, drinking beer out of boots Oktoberfest business.

Kevin Risner

If I went for beer, Brussels would be good — but there are so many other spots that would be great in Belgium. Most of my other spots aren’t as beer-extensive (though they have it). Budapest, Granada, Edinburgh are three relocation spots. At least the last one would be nice when it comes to cask ales. In the US: either Portland.

Chelsea Mitchell

If I had to relocate (leave Denver) I’d probably go to Portland. Here’s my reasoning: they have amazing beer, I wouldn’t be too far from Bend (yay ski season), and I’d pretty much just be following Christopher Day and Brady Akers around, annoying them for the rest of our lives.

Brady Akers

Oh my first stalker. I feel SO SPECIAL right now, everybody. It took a lot of hard work but I finally made it!!


  1. John

    Any of the small, hip Mt. Towns in Colorado w/ their own brewery will beat a major city, any day. Great Beer brewed w/ love and an outrageously awesome place to play. Just pick one – any one! Leave “Rush Hour” behind

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