Cooking with Beer | Southern Tier Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies

I don’t know where you stand on whether it’s acceptable to start drinking pumpkin beers or not, but I’ll tell you I’ve decided that it is definitely okay to start eating them. Southern Tier came to Colorado earlier this year so I quickly snatched up their products, Pumking and Warlock. For the past few weeks they have just been sitting in my fridge, haunting me, daring me to use them. Finally, I caved, and in the best way possible. I figured, why not use them both at once? Since it’s just about fall, I did the most #basicbitch thing I could think of – make pumpkin cheesecake brownies (oh em gee, pumpkin spice lattes!) While they aren’t exploding with pumpkin flavors, they have just enough to make you think, “Damn, these aren’t #basic at all!” That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say. Cheers to eating your beers.
1 ½ cup Southern Tier Pumking
1 ½ cup Southern Tier Warlock
2/3 cup + 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
1 cup semisweet chocolate
1 stick butter, cut into 6-8 chunks
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
8 oz cream cheese (room temperature)
¼ cup sugar
1 egg yolk
You’ll also need:
Dish with steep sides
Hand mixer
Parchment paper
Pour each beer into separate pots cooking on medium-high heat until simmering, then decrease to a heat low enough to keep them bubbling. Reduce both the Warlock and Pumking to a bit less than ¼ cup. It helps to measure in a glass measuring cup (it can withstand the heat). When finished, set aside to cool.
Preheat the oven to 325 °F. Mix the dry ingredients (flour, salt, baking powder) in a small ball.
In a large pan, melt the chocolate and butter on low heat. Once melted, stir in the sugar and Warlock reduction.
Let the mixture cool a bit and then whisk in the eggs, one at a time.
Finally, slowly whisk in the dry mix, a little bit at a time. You can move the chocolately goodness to a bowl before you do this but I just went for it in the pan to avoid even more mess than I was already making. It also helps to have a friend pour in the flour while you stir.
In another bowl, mix the cream cheese, sugar, egg yolk, and Pumking. You’re going to need a hand mixer to really get the beer worked into this.
Line a 10x7x2 dish with parchment paper. If you don’t have one of these, just make sure whatever you do have has steep sides because these brownies just about double in size. Pour in half the brownie mix then dollops of cream cheese mix around the dish. Repeat the layers and run a spatula through the dish longitudinally then horizontally. Pop in the oven for about 60 minutes – remove when a tooth pick comes out a bit fudgy – don’t wait until it is dry.
When they are finished, let them cool completely before slicing them up and dishing out the goodness. Serve with a tall glass of Warlock or Pumking because you should have plenty left over if you didn’t indulge too much during the baking process. Always remember: be more than just a #basicbitch, put non-basic beer in your food.
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