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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

This week’s beer news is slightly informative and mostly entertaining. Stone beers are now available in Canada, someone stole tons of Miller High Life, and put out a free food and beer course. Read on and get up to date with this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.

Stone Beers Now Available in Canada

Stone goes to Canada


On October 20th, beers from Stone Brewing Company became available in Canada. Their products can now be found in bars, restaurants, and retailers around British Columbia and Alberta. To see where you can get your hands on some Stone, click here.

44,000 lbs of Miller High Life Stolen From a Truck Stop

Why someone would do this is beyond me but a thief in Florida recently nabbed a truck full of Miller High Life. Luckily for the driver, the 44,000 lbs of the champagne of beers was quickly found and returned. Watch his reaction below: Introduces a Food and Beer Course

In an attempt to bring beer back to the dinner table, the Brewer’s Association has put out a Beer and Food Course. The information was created “to better integrate craft beer into culinary curriculum,” and display the wonderful qualities of beer with food. The best part is, it’s free so everyone can learn! Now I just need to find some time to comb through all this material.

Growth of Craft Beer Industry Has Slowed

Don’t worry, the craft beer industry is still growing, just not as quickly. Over the past month, the growth rate has dropped from over 17% to 16.6%. The good news is, Bud Light Lime-a-Rita sales are also down, so maybe (hopefully) someone will banish that scary drink sometime soon.

Black Bottle Brewery Buys a Store’s Entire Supply of Count Chocula

I’m sure you’ve heard about this by now but just in case you live under a rock, Black Bottle Brewery bought a grocery store’s entire supply of Count Chocula earlier this month. This was a great idea for two reasons: they are going to make a beer out of the chocolatey cereal and they got tons of publicity for the stunt. You know the PorchDrinkers will be heading that way soon to try the final product. Keep your eyes peeled to see what we think.

Black Bottle Brewery Count Chocula


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