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Roundtable Discussion | Strangest Beer Ingredients
Amber Dunlap

For this week’s Roundtable Discussion, we asked our PorchDrinkers for the strangest beer ingredients they’ve ever come across and they came through with some seriously out there brews. These beers are not for the faint of heart. Feel free to keep the list going and add your strangest beer ingredient experience in the comments below.

Sarah Hargis

I had a Rogue beer that was made using yeast from the brewer’s beard.

Stacy Goers

I love oysters, but an oyster stout still kinda creeps me out.

Spencer Mapes

Roasted Bull Testicles – Wynkoop Brewing, Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout

Matthew Lunger

Dogfish Head Choc Lobster – Brewed with 40 live Lobsters, Cocoa Powder, and Basil.

Brady Akers

Epic’s Sage Saison is unique. Although it’s not an ingredient, the process that Dogfish goes through to make Sah’tea is incredible. Instead of standard heating sources, they caramelize the wort with heated river rocks.

Erin Russell

Lost Abbey did a “Gifts of the Magi” beer brewed with frankincense, gold, and myrrh. A lot going on in there.

Christopher Day

I once tried a homebrewed stout containing cow’s blood. Much to my surprise, it was delicious!

Danny King

0_o I think we have a winner

Andy Hagemann

Upright Brewing did a White Truffle Gose. It was surprisingly well-balanced considering truffle can be overpowering.


  1. Dave Sorrell

    Texas Beer Refinery made a Crawfish Stout recently, followed by an Oyster Stout. Both were made with said ingredients including some 30 lbs of ground clam, oyster, and whatever other shells, as part of the mash. As Ryan Rhodes their marketing director put it, the slightly salty, briney nose is, “Like a whiff of the Galveston Bay… I mean that in a good way! Not like the diesel fuel, commercial fishing kind of way!”

  2. Dave Sorrell

    Back home in Glenwood Springs, CO our local homebrew club had a member who brewed “The Governor’s Ale” to share with us in celebration of then recent marijuana legislation. Grassy and dank on the nose…

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