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Awesomesauce | Funny Folks

Awesomesauce | Funny Folks
Laura Mego

Ah, the holidays. That magical time of year when turkey, tree-trimming, and (if you’re a member of my family) inter-generational viewings of “The Hangover” abound! While many of us rejoice that we’ll have one and a half whole days in a row of Christmas Vacation where no one truly expects you to answer a work email (it’s sad that that makes me happy, but such is adult life) others (ahem, also me) are thrilled to have two whole days in a row to troll YouTube for funny videos and not feel guilty about it.

Here are some of my favorites, and some of their best routines. Of course, there’s plenty more where that came from, but these will give you a taste. (Warning: don’t listen to these at work full blast, or in front of your grandma if she can’t handle salty language or jokes about *ahem* inappropriate topics)

Daniel Sloss

Jenna Marbles

Hanna Harto of My Drunk Kitchen

And the trump card: Louis CK


Happy Holidays, folks!  Grab a beer and enjoy these funny folks on your time off!

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