12 Beers of Christmas Day 1 | Delirium Noel
Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 10% ABV
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. With the winter brews coming and everyone lifting their pint glass to “cheers”, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!
It really is the most wonderful time of the year. The snow is falling; we’re bundling up and coming together to celebrate. For me, there’s no beer I’d rather share than Delirium Noel. While most people worry about their white elephant gifts, all I think of are pink elephants! Most of you are familiar with its brother beer, Delirium Tremens. Like Tremens, the Belgian yeast flavors are prominent. But what I love about Delirium Noel is the chocolate and brown sugar notes, accompanied with strong banana esters. With a 10% ABV this beer is sure to get you merry!
The first time I enjoyed this amazing beer was about 2 years ago. My friends and I roadtripped out to Utah for a snowcation (in the Desiree Dictionary, that’s slang for “shredding the gnar!”) When we finally arrived, my friends and I nestled together around the open fire, and I thought; what better way to celebrate than to crack open my bottle of Delirium Noel? All in all a great beer, and the perfect ale to start off PorchDrinking’s 12 Beers of Christmas. I mean, that’s why the song is called “The First Delirium Noel.”
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