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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup


Beer news, beer news, read all about it! Two guys traveled to breweries around the US for a year straight, Bell’s is expanding distribution to Southern California, and Allagash is releasing another one for the books. Keep reading to find out more about the latest and greatest craft beer news in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.

Two Men, One Year, Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine Breweries

Brews Travelers 365
Photo Credit:

These two cool dudes spent an entire year traveling around the country, drinking beer at every stop. After visiting a whopping 789 breweries, they managed to drink 7,124 different beers. Clink the link to see what they had to say in their interview, or visit their site at

Allagash to Release ‘Emotional Honey’ on January 24

Photo Credit: Beer Street Journal

Look out, East Costers! One of my favorite breweries is about to come out with (most likely) another mind blowing beer. Although we don’t know too much about it, we do know that Emotional Honey is an ale aged in mead barrels and is expected to drop at the end of this month. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a bottle, let us know how it is!

Bell’s Expanding Distribution to Southern California

Bell's Brewery
Photo Credit: Bell’s Brewery

If you live in Southern California and you have not yet tried the goodness that is Two Hearted Ale by Bell’s, get excited. Starting February 23, Bell’s beer will be available in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. Within California, Bell’s can already be found in Imperial and San Diego counties. The brewery teamed up with the Craft Brewer’s Guild of Los Angeles to help make this expansion possible. Good move, Bell’s.

Georgia Craft Brewer’s Guild is Crowdfunding for New Laws

Georgia Craft BrewersCurrently in Georgia, taproom visitors cannot walk in and buy a beer to drink or to take home. This makes Georgia one of the 5 states in the US with these antiquated laws. As a result, the breweries are suffering and the state is importing more craft beer from surrounding states rather than imbibing on its own locally produced brews. The Georgia Craft Brewer’s Guild believes it is time for a change so they have created an Indiegogo campaign with the hopes of raising $30,000 to use for lobbying the state’s General Assembly. Changing the laws would not only be profitable to craft brewers, it could also support beer tourism in the area. If you believe in the cause, toss a few bucks their way and maybe soon we can all drink a few beers at the Georgia breweries.

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