Awesomesauce | Foot Cardigan

Ugh. It’s getting to be that time of year when I get depressed by the weather. For those of you who live in LA, or Florida, or somewhere else annoyingly sunny and perfect all the time, I know you have no idea what I mean. But, for those of us living in the Heart of it All in the midwest, January is “God, is winter EVER going to be over?” season.
I normally cheer myself up by binge-watching Netflix while buried under approximately 1,267 yards of wool, but I wanted to branch out this year. By getting on the internet (Ok, it’s not branching out THAT much, but baby steps!) Yes, a good dose of whimsy is in order for these short and dark days. In my virtual wanderings, I came across the mother of all whimsy (not you, ModCloth, try again later): a sock-a-month club. Seriously, how hipster (AND AWESOME) is that?
The adorably- named Foot Cardigan is my minus-10-degrees-with-windchill savior for this week. They do one thing- ship fun and whimsical socks for ladies, dudes, and kiddos. What really gets me about these guys, however, is their website. Their landing page has a photo of four men on a doorstep, all hocking socks. One is a milkman, another a delivery boy, a third is a pizza guy, and the fourth (very bearded) man is dressed as a girl scout.
The fun doesn’t stop there, though. Click through their website for even more giggles (I know, I need to get out more.) They describe their website as the “pot of gold at end of the rainbow” when it comes to foot coverings, and they introduce their random sock of the month as a way for customers to “play the sock lottery and win every time.” Also, they promise that “our scientific sock selection process guarantees an instant conversation starter will always be conveniently located just below your knees” so they’ve got that going for them.
There’s more fun to be had, but I’ll let you discover that for yourself (hint: the words mandigan and ladygian are involved.) Check out their awesome foot cardigan selection on their instagram feed, follow them on Pinterest (where they have a board of all bare feet called “People We Feel Sad For”) or you can always sign up to receive their “always ridiculous, rarely important and probably life-changing emails. You won’t be sorry! Or will you? INTRIGUE! DANGER! MYSTERY!”
p.s.- in an effort to be totally hipster, they also offer “small batch” foot cardigans (also known as a la carte) for their more…discerning clientele. If you want to order them, you have to click the “take my money” button!
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