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Peticolas Brewing Company | Velvet Hammer

Peticolas Brewing Company | Velvet Hammer
Kezia Ibarra

ABV: 9%

IBU: 85

As if there weren’t enough days to drink during the week. Somehow Thursday’s always seem to take the prize as one of my favorite drinking days.  Something about  knowing you’re a day away from the weekend just gets me into that “drinking spirit”.

A local favorite, Peticolas Brewing Company (pronounced Petta-cole-luss), in its third year of operations, has consistently delivered year after year with their impressive beer portfolio. Named 2014 Brewery of the Year by Central Track, a Dallas focused online publication, and bringing home gold in 2014 with its 2012 Great Scot! beer in the Aged Beer category at the Great American Beer Festival, Peticolas has ultimately demonstrated just how far they have come in such a short period.

Velvet Hammer, an Imperial Red Ale and a North Texas staple, is a tribute to one of the brewery’s favorite brewmasters Greg Matthews. His guidance and support set the ground for the brewery in transitioning from home to commercial brewers. A beauty to behold in itself, it pours a hue of dark ruby brown, capped off by a long lasting off-white head. Not to be taken lightly, its smooth character is accentuated with a slight bitterness and boozy bite unveiling her presence keeping true to its name.  Its flavor is essentially sweet revealing elements of toasted caramel, toffee and sweet malts nicely balanced by the combination of both floral and earthy hops finishing with a hint of brown sugar.

Available only on tap or by crowler, if you’re lucky to come across one, this brew is a conversation starter on its own and a regular during my weekly mandatory Thursday beer gatherings with friends. Cheers!


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