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“Game of Thrones” Character OR “This American Life” Contributor?

“Game of Thrones” Character OR “This American Life” Contributor?


Season 5 of “Game of Thrones” premieres Sunday, April 12 at 9PM on HBO. It’s Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows in the history of television, and the epic fantasy series has many characters who have become household names for fans of the show.

But there’s something about the “Game of Thrones” character names that sounds familiar. The spelling, cadence, and sheer uniqueness of naming conventions in Westeros reminds me of some of the great names I’ve heard from contributors to the public radio show/podcast, “This American Life.” Sort of like how Hunger Games characters sound like NPR anchors to me.

Don’t believe me? See for yourself – take the quiz below to find out if you can tell the difference between “Game of Thrones” characters and “This American Life” contributors in our name game.

Ira Glass

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Jaime Lannister

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Jon Arryn

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Etgar Keret

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Alix Spiegel

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Ellaria Sand

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Starlee Kine

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Daario Naharis

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Margy Rochlin

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Jeyne Westerling

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Aemon Targaryen

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Miki Meek

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Jad Abumrad

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Roose Bolton

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Chana Joffe-Walt

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

Sam Tarly

Game of Thrones? OR This American Life?

How’d you do?

For more information and past episodes of “Game of Thrones,” head on over to HBO’s website.

For past episodes of “This American Life” – including the ability to search for stories contributed by the people above – visit

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