Event Recap | 2015 Boulder Strong Ale Fest

If Maryland does crab cakes, then Avery does strong ales, so it only makes sense that the Boulder Strong Ale Fest remains as one of my favorite mid-sized specialty-themed beer festivals. It was here three years ago that I tasted Pliny the Younger for the first time. It was this fest two years ago that I also had mind blown by Pizza Port’s Bacon and Eggs.
This year a few of my favorites from the 2015 Boulder Strong Ale Fest included: Powder Keg’s Pride of Palisade, Lost Abbey’s Track #8, Verboten’s Plethora, River North’s Barrel Aged Avarice, Odell Tree Shaker, New Belgium Blackberry Barleywine, Horse & Dragon Rum Barrel Aged Coconut Porter, Firestone Walker Velvet Merkin, Mockery Michael Duble, Dry Dock Whisky Barrel Aged Double Coffee Porter, Deschutes 2014 Abyss, Comrade Quit Stalin RIS, basically everything from Avery but most notably Ian McKellan w/ sangria spices and vintage verticals of The Beast, oh and of course Goose Island Bourbon County.
We were fortunate enough to have Dustin Hall of The Brewtography Project on hand to document the day’s stories surrounding Avery’s first festival since moving to their new facility. Dustin has been visiting breweries across Colorado capturing the essence of craft beer through his stunning visual displays. We’re such big fans of Dustin’s work because his philosophy is to truly document real stories and moments within the craft beer industry. We are truly lucky to have Dustin on board and we look forward to share more of his visual storytelling!
For more images check out The Brewtography Project’s Facebook page.
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