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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 92

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 92
Alex Cadice

Happy Tuesday, everybody! I hope all is well, but not let’s waste any time before another San Andreas attack. Granted the success of Entourage could actually cause even more damage.

  1. A video of animals seeing themselves for the first time sells itself… So, here you go.

  1. Whereas the last video was cute and fun, this next one was probably the most infuriating thing I’ve seen all week.

  1. Seriously, I got so mad looking at that video that I could kick somebody out of my golf cart on the 17th hole.

  1. Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones.

If you have NOT seen this week’s episode, enjoy these political ads…

If you have HAVE seen this week’s episode, enjoy this Curb Your Enthusiasm parody…

  1. The fact that GoT wasn’t No. 1 this week shows you how committed I am to this new trend. Please, for all that is good in the world, let the DuckTales theme song mash-ups continue!



See you in a .gif, Alex

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