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Chicago’s Favorite Beer Styles By Neighborhood

Chicago Skyline

Chicago Craft Beer week just wrapped recently on May 24, so it’s only appropriate that we take a look at the breakdown of Chicago’s favorite beer styles by neighborhood. The study conducted by Lakeshore Beverage compiled sales data from thousands of bars, restaurants, liquor stores and grocery retailers.

Lakeshore’s study compared city wide averages of the consumption of each style of beer with the percentages of one style of beer sold in one neighborhood, which allowed them to find what styles of beer that neighborhood proportionally prefers.

A few notable neighborhood preference results:

Wicker Park and Wrigleyville both preferred Kölsch style beers.

Logan Square and Bucktown both proportionally prefer Porters.

Meanwhile, Englewood, Humboldt Park and Little Village prefer Ciders.

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  1. Ed

    Interesting data. Do you know – was this based solely on their portfolio that they offer, thus making data collection some what easy to collect…basing on their own sales/orders through the various regions OR is this a data point that covers the breadth of beer styles [regardless of distributors]? If its the previous, then…the data actually reflects Chicago’s preferred styles that Lakeshore offers, vs. if its the latter which would reflect Chicago’s preferred styles…Just curious…

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