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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 93

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 93
Alex Cadice

What’s crappenin’, everybody? I hope you’re doing well. I’ll be quick. I’m leaving for Bonnaroo tonight to try and prove I’m cool and hip.

  1. With so many different storylines, Game of Thrones is about…something. So, what happens when you mix it with a show about nothing?

  1. Not expecting that? Good luck with these next two videos…

  1. As for what’s trending on the internet these days, this one hasn’t started yet, but it needs to. Put Titus Andromedon in everything, especially Orange Is the New Black!

  1. The only person on the internet more dramatic than Titus…

  1. Titus may become the next hot item, but right now, it’s all about Shia! If you’re interested in watching, “DO IT!”

See you in a .gif, Alex

PS – This Walmart fight will make you feel some kind of way. Not sure which way, but you deserve to feel something.

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