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Roundtable Discussion | Patriotic Beers

Roundtable Discussion | Patriotic Beers
Amber Dunlap

It’s no surprise that this week’s roundtable discussion centers around the upcoming 4th of July holiday. We asked the team what beer and/or beer design best represents the good ol’ U S of A? The best part? There’s plenty of time to stock the cooler full with these recommended patriotic beers before the big day.


Cory Pelc

Anchor SteamAnchor Steam Brewing’s Anchor Steam Beer. Originally brewed in 1896 and with the help of Maytag, they are still brewing it to this day. Innovation and dedication spanning a hundred plus years is the epitome of the American Dream.


Chris Day

Sierra Nevada Pale AleCory wins! I’d pick Sierra Nevada Pale Ale because it generated so much enthusiasm for American hops and microbrewing.


John Pylant

yuenglingWell, by the new AB standards, Yuengling, est. 1829 and never changed. That is a good question though. Does age or characteristics make a beer American? You know what, craft beer represents America best. There is not one beer or brewery that can take that mantel, just like no one person is the epitome of America. Freedom, Diversity, Innovation, Passion, Obsession, Love are all the things that characterize this country and craft beer does a fine job of this. [Did I take this question too seriously?]

Cory Pelc

Dang. Trvth.


Niel Stender

Pabst Blue RibbonPabst. But only ironically.

Danny King

Short’ s Soft Parade. It was created in an effort to make a staunchly “beer drinkers” beer that could court the wine drinker vote. It’s cover art is a nostalgic glimpse of lazy Americana summer days but its referencing a song made of the rambling poems of a disillusioned drug addict.Shorts Soft Parade


Stacey Goers

dbbraupublicThis is tough, as the DMV area is fullll of all things America — Revolutionary War sites, Civil War sites, that little Capitol. We have so many breweries that tap into that. I agree with all other choices, but am going to add DC Brau The Public Pale Ale because we are still fighting that taxation without representation fight.


Dustin Hall
Photo Credit: The Brewtography Project

How’s this?


Cory Pelc

Dang. Yep, that is a good one. That is Dry Dock, right Dustin?


Dustin Hall

That was taken at Sleeping Giant and is actually a brewing company called Honor Brewing Company.


Cory Pelc

Ah, i thought it was this…

BEER (1)


Dustin Hall

If I recall correctly, each batch of beer they produce is dedicated to a military person that was killed in action.


Cory Pelc

Oh man, that is great. What a cool idea.


Dustin Hall

Ah yeah, same bottle cap.


Cory Pelc
Prairie Merica
Photo courtesy of Prairie Artisan Ales


John Pylant

Service Brewing and Rail House are both veteran-owned breweries. Then there is Frey’s brewing that uses a military theme. They’ve got my favorite black IPA, Pussy Pilot Parade.



Tristan Chan

Eek! That name though.

Cory Pelc

Tristan Chan: Gabe is rolling over in his proverbial grave. The cause is mad legit though, John.


Tristan Chan

Lol! That’s what I was jokin’ about. Hehe!

Cory Pelc

Baseball bats?! That’s American as all-get-out!

Photo Credit: Beer Street Journal


Tristan Chan


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