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TRVE Acid Temple Opening Celebrated With Bottle Release

TRVE Acid Temple Opening Celebrated With Bottle Release
Chris Day

This Friday, July 3rd, Denver’s TRVE Brewing Company will release bottles of Life’s Trade, a complex saison fermented with multiple yeast strains in puncheons and blended before bottling. Named after a Samothrace album, this beer is the first brewed in their new brewery and barrelhouse, the Acid Temple.

Photo credit: TRVE Brewing
Photo credit: TRVE Brewing

Opening after more than a year of planning and construction, the temple is a 5,000 square-foot facility in the Valverde neighborhood featuring a 10bbl brewing system, two 20bbl fermenters, and a sizeable array of barrels intended for brewing and aging wild and sour beers. “Being able to share this libation with the world is both the end of a long and brutal buildout, and the beginning of a new era for TRVE,” said TRVE Brewing owner Nick Nunns in a press release announcing Life’s Trade.

Tunnel of Trees fans will be happy to learn that brewing of their staple beers will continue on the 7bbl system at TRVE’s three-year-old Baker taproom, while the increased capacity of the Temple will help them meet the insataible demand for their bottled products, the last of which, a fruited sour ale named Crimson Death, sold out in mere hours. TRVE also hopes to bottle some of the most popular taproom offerings including their tart grisette Grey Watcher and salty, funky Gose Prehistoric Dog in four packs of 12oz bottles.

As a long-time fan of TRVE Brewing, I offer congratulations on the countless months of hard work that went into opening the Acid Temple and eagerly await the promise of even more delicious beer.

Photo Credit: TRVE Brewing
Photo Credit: TRVE Brewing

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