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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 99

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 99
Alex Cadice

Hello, InterNEATers! It’s a beautiful day, and most of us are stuck in a cubicle. Let’s lighten up the mood since my this ‘office’ has no windows!

1. Game of Thrones intro?! Normally we cap things off with Westeros, but since I’m ‘Ride or Die GoT,’ I figured I would keep a similar path with the show. Check out these amazing audition tapes from some of your favorite characters.

I heard Jon Snow wasn’t sure about Rose Leslie…

2. With summer blockbusters and Comic-Con, there are always a great number of interviews this time of year. Because I didn’t want to limit your options, here are my two favorite ones to date.

Bryan Cranston

Jon Hamm

3. But seriously, how much does America love Cranston and Hamm, Hamm and Cranston? Do you think it’s more than this guy loves his burrito?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Click here for more burrito engagement pictures.

2. It may be All-Star week for Major League Baseball, but “Ferrell Takes the Field” is still the number one baseball event I want to see.

1. Baseball may be getting all the buzz right now, but football, hockey and basketball need some love too!

Torrey Smith’s Son

Russell Westbrook Impersonator

Posted by 120 Sports on Monday, July 13, 2015

Hockey Emojis

See you in a .gif, Alex

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