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Southern Tier | Creme Brulee Stout

Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout
John Amantea

ABV: 9.5%

Late last summer as my youngest brother, Matt, was getting ready to ship out for his freshman year at Marquette University, our family had one last summer dinner at a local favorite: Beach Club Bistro in Euclid, OH. Known for their amazing pizzas and equally amazing beer selection, Beach Club has always been a great place to kick back, relax and share a meal. On this night in particular, as we gathered to celebrate Matt’s final days before school and chow on some pizza, a certain beer on Beach Club’s list caught my eye. Now, I’m normally a seasonal beer drinker: lighter seasonal ales, shandies, and IPAs in the spring and summer; porters, stouts, and darker seasonal ales in the fall and winter. It’s an M.O. I adhere to pretty consistently. But protocol had to be broken for one beer: Southern Tier’s Crème Brulee Stout.

Southern Tier Creme BruleeI can’t remember if the name or the intrigue of a crème brulee-flavored beer struck me first, but I knew I had to try it. And I’m really glad I did: it became and has remained one of my favorite beers to drink. Part of Southern Tier’s Blackwater Series, with other bold stouts such as Choklat, Mokah, and Warlock, Crème Brulee touts a pronounced vanilla aroma and flavor, a subtle caramel tone, and a surprising, yet welcome, slightly smoky finish. Full bodied and lightly carbonated, it drinks very well, and its richness affords a relaxed, slow-paced drinking experience. As the name might suggest, it’s a beer best served after a meal as a dessert, but can be enjoyed at any time. Like the dessert, the Crème Brulee Stout’s vanilla flavor pairs well with strawberry and raspberry, which provide a cut of sweetness to the Stout’s more savory taste.

(MORE: Southern Tier Choklat Showcase)

Whether you’re gathered with family sharing a meal, or enjoying a relaxed evening in, I highly recommend Southern Tier’s Crème Brulee Stout to anyone looking for a smooth, flavorful brew. No matter the time of year.

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