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Ultimate 6er | Summer Seasonal Beers

Emily Mollineaux

I was brutally reminded yesterday that it’s almost August. Not only did that mean rent was due, but summer is flying by fast. If you live in the Midwest, you know that means you are soon going to be slapped in the face with 4-8 months of winter, depression and an overall desperation for spring to arrive to save you from the depths of Hell.

Instead of focusing on all that nonsense, I will try to embrace the rest of the summer, and take advantage of all the great seasonal summer beers, some you can still buy all year round, and some you can’t. Either way, any of these beers will add a little sparkle to the remaining summer.


Kellerweis | Sierra Nevada

I will first begin with one of my staple summer beers, Sierra Nevada Kellerweis. Nothing truly says summer beer like a good ole’ Hefeweizen. I love Sierra Nevada first and foremost for their Pale Ale, but if you’re looking for a great beer to finish out your last days of summer by the pool, pick up a pack of Kellerweis. If you want to get real weird, throw in a lemon slice. #YOLO.



Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ | Lagunitas

Lagunitas Little Sumpin'

Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ was first offered as a seasonal beer until 2010 when fans rallied and rioted (or just asked politely) to have it offered all year. Thankfully they listened, because now you can taste summer all year long, even if you’re trapped inside, under 10 layers of heating blankets. This beer is a perfect combination of hops, spice and wheat, perfect for both IPA and wheat beer fans. Its 7.5% ABV means drink as many as you can then jump off a diving board.

California Lager | Anchor


CaliforniaThis is one of Anchor’s classic styles. I have yet to find a beer that comes out of San Francisco that I didn’t love, this beer included. It is also a single hop beer, which makes it hoppier, maltier and stronger than most modern American Lagers. If you aren’t opposed to drinking beer out of a can (not sure if this is really a group of people or not) you can pick up a six-pack of Anchor California Lager in cans ALL YEAR ROUND [insert slow handclap]. I brought a six-pack of Anchor Summer Beer to a friend’s BBQ last week and it was a hit.


Camp Wannamango | Harpoon

Camp WannamangoHarpoon’s new summer seasonal, brings more tropical tastes to the Harpoon lineup. According to Harpoon’s website, the beer is, “Golden-copper in color, it has a light body, slight hop bitterness, and malty sweetness, and finishes with a kiss of mango.”



Heiferweizen | Elevator


ElevatorThe next beer had to be on this list, because I drink it almost every day in the summer, and also because I work for Elevator Brewing Company (REPRESENT). The Heiferweizen is a traditional style German Wheat beer, typically served in a pint glass with a lemon wedge. On the menu, it is suggested to have the bartender add a shot of raspberry liqueur if you want to add a little fruitiness to the beer.




Cougar | Rhinegeist

CougarThis may be an exaggeration to say that Rhinegeist is one of the greatest things to come out of Cincinnati (besides Skyline, Greaters, George Clooney, and myself), but I’m going to stand behind my statement. Rhinegeist is a brewery in the affluent Over-The-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati. The beautiful building in which the brewery exists now, was first built in 1895, and was abandoned for almost half a century. Rhinegeist opened its doors in 2013, and has had a lot of success and great beers come out of their brewery. Their seasonal beer for summer, Cougar, is a blonde ale with a refreshing combination of honey, malts, and citrus. If you’re ever in Cincinnati stop by this brewery and try to pick up this beer [whisper] before it’s too late.

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  1. Nice list. I would add Anderson Valley Summer Solstice.

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