PorchDrinking Playlist | Songs of Summers Past

What are some songs you remember from summers past? I bet you can name a few that likely have a good story to match.
I’ve made a lot of mixes over the years, but the ones that I come back to and long for, the ones I can sing every word to, the ones whose exact order I remember are the summer mixes. It likely has to do with them soundtracking more memorable moments like barbeques with all your best friends, sipping drinks on Manhattan rooftops, driving to New England beaches with a cooler full of beer and another cooler full of lobsters, camping in the Colorado wilderness, and making out on porches on dark, humid summer nights. Here’s some songs dating back to the summer of 2010 that I’ll always return to, maybe some of these songs will bring up some joyful memories of yours as well.
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