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Event Preview | Save the Ales 2015

Event Preview | Save the Ales 2015
Kara Loo and Kelissa Hieber


Save the Ales
Thursday, August 27, 2015
7:00 P.M. GA/ 6:00 P.M. VIP
GA: $35 Conservation Colorado non-members/$30 Conservation Colorado members
VIP: $60 non-members/$50 members

Brewery water usage – a quick recap:
Beer consists of 90-95% water as a final product. Of course, that doesn’t account for the gallons the grains soak up during the mashing process, the water that escapes as steam as the wort boils, or the trub loss to the valiant yet soggy hops and adjucts remaining at the bottom of the boil kettle. We can’t forget that water isn’t just an ingredient, it’s an important brewing tool. In an industry where one dirty batch of beer can alienate a whole customer base, lots and lots of water is essential for meticulous cleaning processes and a spotless serving experience. All in all, producing one barrel of beer takes an average of 7 barrels of water. Brewers across America know we can do better than the 1:7 ratio and are increasingly investing in water-saving strategies to alleviate personal and environmental costs.

Save the Ales:
Save the Ales is a Denver beer festival and fundraiser that turns 5 years old this year. Readers might remember that we hyped the event last year, and it was an awesome success, raising $13,000 towards Conservation Colorado’s efforts to protect Colorado’s air, land, water and communities. The concept is pretty great; buy a ticket, show up, drink beer, and be a part of helping to preserve our beautiful state! Save the Ales 2015 plans to focus specifically on water usage and conservation through efforts supporting healthy rivers, drought mitigation, and the water planning strategies in our communities. For more on the organization’s specific water conservation plans, check out this infographic.

What to watch for:
This year, there are already 40+ regional breweries that will make an appearance, culminating in a night that will be larger and more impactful than ever. New breweries like Call to Arms Brewing (new to Denver on July 16, 2015) and Ratio Beerworks will be in attendance. Out-of-towners such as Trinity Brewing, Elevation Beer Co., and Crazy Mountain Brewery have also committed to pouring; Crazy Mountain also plans to bring a “Fir Needle Ale,” brewed exclusively for the event. Also watch for some tasty catering (including vegetarian) offerings and giveaways!

For those of us who don’t get to make conservation choices in the brew house, Save the Ales helps funnel our beer dollars towards environmental causes, specifically a resource that provides so much to the craft beer community. Hope to see you there!

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