GABF Beer Geek Callout

If you are the go-to guy or gal in your group of friends when there is any question about beer, brewing, or breweries, have we got the opportunity for you! After a successful launch at the 2014 Great American Beer Festival, the Beer Geek program has more than doubled in size this year and is looking to continue its expansion. Tom Nachman is the Beer Geek Captain and is looking for a few more good geeks.
The Beer Geek’s mission is to help educate patrons during the Great American Beer Festival. By educating the attendees, Beer Geeks empower these beer lovers, from newbies to seasoned veterans, with the knowledge to seek out new and enjoyable beers available throughout the festival that they might have initially passed up.
Beer Geeks don’t automatically know everything about beer. Leading up to the festival, Tom says they host multiple training sessions, learning everything about beer from the brewing process to a breakdown of each style.
Beer Geeks are required to work at least 2 of the 4 sessions during Great American Beer Fest and in return, they get a special Beer Geeks shirt, hat, GABF tasting cup and a comp ticket for next year’s festival. If you think you have what it takes to join the Beer Geek ranks, fill out the application here. The Beer Geeks website can answer any additional questions you may have. The Beer Geeks program is an incredible way to see Great American Beer Festival in a whole new light.
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